Top 4 plant care tips by pros Plant Sit

We asked Plant maintenance professionals Plant Sit to share their top care tips for houseplants.

Plant Sit are our recommended company to care for your plants when you are not able to.


Don’t be tempted to water your plants too much

Overwatering is one of the main plant killers out there, and whilst we are all at home it is even more tempting to water them more often. A general tip for most house plants is, wait until the top inch of soil is dry before watering again - which can be checked by dipping your finger in. Don't kill with kindness!


Choose the right plant for your environment

Before buying loads of incredible tropical plants, make sure you have the right lighting in your home to help them thrive. Whether you have low light levels or are blessed with full sun, make sure you pick the plants that work in your home rather than forcing them to adapt. If you are buying from a reputable source, they will guide you to which plants are best for your light levels.


The time to repot & refresh

Spring is the perfect time of year to repot your plants. A clear sign is when the roots are coming out from the bottom of the pot, but most plants at this time of year will appreciate an extra 1-3 inches. Make sure that you don’t give too much space - they like to be slightly snug! No additional pots? Just change the soil in their existing pot to give them a refresh, which can be just as effective and will give a boost of fresh nutrients from the soil.


Drainage is key

Making sure all plants have the correct drainage is key in order to prevent water collecting at the bottom of your pot leading to root rot. Ideally, your plant will be planted in a plastic pot with drainage holes before sitting into your decorative pot.