Plants to NOT water in winter

There are some plants that will thank you for leaving them well alone this winter...

Cacti will not need to be watered in winter at all, in fact they will thrive on neglect until spring.⁠

Cacti like to have bright direct sunlight, so with the shorter days these are the plants that should be moved closest to the windows to allow them access to the most light.

Succulents will need very little water if any over the winter period, but if the leaves are starting to pucker, give a little water. Better to err on the side of caution, less is more!⁠

Like cacti, succulents love lots of light, so these should be placed in the brightest places of your house. In fact many of ours live outside all year, in our very sheltered gardens. In winter we will protect them from frost and snow by bringing them into a covered area.

Although it doesn't look like it, the string of pearls is a succulent, so it should be treated as one in terms of watering. They are prone to rot easily when damp, so only water when the soil is dry, we'd also advise watering from below by sitting the pot in water for a few minutes. ⁠

Carnivorous plants will go dormant in winter so fear not if yours has taken a turn for the worse. They need to be kept just moist, but not sitting in water over the winter period. They also like to be kept cool, so an unheated room, covered outside or in a greenhouse is ideal.⁠

The majority of other houseplants will more than likely require less frequent watering during the winter months. With less light and warmth plants will slow down their rate of growth, therefore requiring less water. We would always recommend sticking your finger into the soil to test how dry the soil feels before watering. It is always best to err on the side of caution as it is much easier to revive an under-watered plant rather than an over-watered plant.

For more in depth care over this period see our Winter Care Guide.